Coppell Choir
Competitions, Accolades, and Participation

11th grade- auditioned and made the Region 31 Treble Choir, earned a perfect rating of 1 on a Class 1 solo during Solo and Ensemble contest, making me a state qualifier
10th grade- auditioned and made the Region 31 9/10 Honor Choir, earned a perfect rating of 1 on a Class 1 solo during Solo and Ensemble contest, making me a state qualifier, participated in fall show choir "Respira" including performing a small group act
9th grade- earned a perfect rating of 1 on a Class 3 solo during Solo and Ensemble contest, participated in spring show choir "Vivace!" including performing a solo
7th and 8th grade- auditioned and made the all region choir two times in a row, placing 6th and 7th chair within the alto voice part
6th grade- auditioned and made the 6th grade honor choir, which then worked and performed with the 5th grade honor choirs from across the district.